Los angeles 2025

Event Participation Manual

Updated: 01/03/2025

*11/19 - Material Handling and Furniture Rental Information Updated

*01/03 - Event Day Load-In Information Updated

Applies to all Participating Vendors, Artist Alley and Sponsors

Thank you for being a valued part of IMPULSE UNIVERSE and supporting our events. We couldn’t do it without partners like you! Please take a moment to review our GENERAL and REGIONAL POLICIES for this year's events. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us anytime at the contact emails below:

General Inquiries - info@impulseuniverse.com

ANIME Impulse - info@animeimpulse.com

K-PLAY! FEST - info@kplayfest.com

Collectors Expo - info@collectorsexpo.com

Asian American Expo - info@aaexpo.com

We will do our best to get back to your questions as quickly as possible

Please be courteous and follow our general policies, venue rules, and all applicable laws. As organizers, your safety and security are our top priorities. We work closely with venue management, public health officials, and law enforcement to ensure a safe event. These policies apply to all participants, including exhibitors, attendees, guests, press, and staff. Please take a moment to review the following procedures.


Pomona Fairplex

Dates: February 15 - 16, 2025

EVEnt Hours: 10 AM - 7 PM

VENDOR Parking Address:

Lot 17 (Yellow Gate) Parking Address: 2705 Fairplex Dr, Pomona CA

Lot 9 (Blue Gate) Parking Address: 2118 N. White Ave, Pomona CA

Vendor schedule:


Date: February 14th, 2025 (Friday)

Time: 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM 

(Vehicles allowed to drive up to buildings, MUST NOT block walkways and doors)

Date: February 15th, 2025 (Saturday) & February 16th, 2025 (Sunday)

Time: 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM 

  • Vehicles ONLY allowed on grounds from 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM, MUST NOT block walkways and doors

  • Vehicles will be directed off the premises after 9:00 AM.

  • After 8:30 AM, Vendors MUST handcart from parking lots.


Date: February 15th, 2025 (Saturday)

Time: 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM (Earliest Venue Access is 8:00 AM)


Date: February 16th, 2025 (Sunday)

Time: 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM (Earliest Venue Access is 8:00 AM)

Strike Date / Load Out Hours: 

Date: February 16th, 2025 (Sunday)

Time: 7:30 PM - 11:00 PM (Selling Last Call is 6:45 PM)

(Vehicles allowed on grounds once all attendees have vacated the event premises)

Vendor credentials will be handed out upon check-in at your respective event check-in table.

  • Badges will ONLY grant you access to event grounds during non-event hours. Please make sure you have your vendor tickets on hand for scanning to gain entry on event day.

  • All tickets will be sent out via our ticketing provider: info@seetickets.us. If you run into any issues, please contact help@impulseuniverse.com.

Vendor check-in protocol

Vendor Parking Address:  

  • Lot 17 (Yellow Gate) Parking Address: 2705 Fairplex Dr, Pomona CA

  • Lot 9 (Blue Gate) Parking Address: 2118 N. White Ave, Pomona CA

Set up:

  • Yellow Gate (Lot 17) is used on set-up day (Friday) for all vendors.

  • Blue Gate (Lot 9) cannot access event grounds, all vehicles must enter through Yellow Gate.

Event Days:

  • Blue Gate (Lot 9) is used on event days (Saturday & Sunday). (ANIME Impulse)

  • Yellow Gate (Lot 17) is used on event days (Saturday & Sunday). (K-PLAY! FEST, Collectors Expo, Asian American Expo)

  • Both Parking Lots provide access to the event grounds, but it is advisable to park in the suggested parking lot.

General Parking Information:

  • Vendor Parking is $20 / vehicle per entry on event days

  • Parking lot hours at Fairplex are from 6 AM - 9 PM. No overnight parking is allowed.

  • Vendors will not be provided complimentary parking, as parking is operated by the venue ( Pomona Fairplex).

  • Security will be on-site to direct traffic during all loading/setup event hours. 

  • Vendors are responsible for hand carting their merchandise and displays from the parking lot to their booths.


Vendor Load Out Procedure:

  • Queuing of cars in the vendor parking lot for move out may only begin once the event ends at 7pm. 

  • Vendors shall remove all exhibits and inventory by 11 PM on Sunday.

Vendor Load OUT:


Furniture / Carpet Rental

  • Please refer to the exhibitor kit for the order forms to order additional furniture and carpeting for your booth space. The deadline for DISCOUNT PRICING is February 3rd, 2025

Electricity Ordering

  • Electricity is not included in the booth pricing but is available for order through EDLEN Electric. Please refer to the following form for ordering instructions. Additional charges may apply depending on requirements. The deadline for ADVANCED PRICING is February 1st, 2025.

Internet Ordering

  • Internet is not included in the booth pricing but is available for order through the venue. Please refer to the link for pricing and ordering instructions. The deadline for ADVANCED PRICING is February 13th, 2025.

Materials Handling Services

  • Vendors may contact Dolphin Events for paid materials handling services

  • All shipping information, including shipping dates and times for advance warehouse and direct shipping, can be found in the Material Handling form included in the exhibitor kit. The deadline for DISCOUNT PRICING is February 3rd, 2025

Venue Specific Policies:

E-Ticketing Partner for Admissions:

  • SeeTickets is the only authorized E-Tickets partner to IMPULSE UNIVERSE: ANIME Impulse, K-PLAY! FEST, and Collectors Expo. E-Tickets for participating vendors and sponsors will be sent out 30 days prior to the event start. They will be sent to the email on record. Please check the spam folder before contacting info emails to follow up.

Physical Tickets for Admission:

  • The Los Angeles event tour is the only event that has physical tickets only for Asian American Expo vendors and Outdoor Food Vendors. All other event vendors will receive credentials through E-Tickets.

Access to Venue:

  • Earliest Vendor Access Allowed into the Event Venue is 8AM Each Day. Vendors must have proper credentials to access Event Venue on event days. Credentials can be picked up from your respective event Info booth during set up hours. Entrance Doors of the Pomona Fairplex will be locked after 7 PM Each Day.

Prohibited Food and Beverage Sales:

  • OVG Hospitality has an exclusive agreement with Coca Cola for all beverage retail sales at the Fairplex. Vendors are prohibited from selling any conflicting pre-packaged beverages (ie. Pepsi). Vendors and Sponsors seeking to sell or sample food or beverages must have pre-approved 'buy-outs' in place with the Event Organizer and a completed Health Department Application. Contact Event Organizer for more details on food Sponsorships and Food Buyouts.

California Seller’s Permit:

  • It is your responsibility as a vendor to have a valid seller’s permit issued by the California State Board of Equalization when making any on-site sales of taxable goods or services. Failure to comply may result in fines from the government. 

Indoor Layout | Floorplan Download - coming soon

ANIME Impulse Vendor & Artist Alley Deliverables

Standard Vendor Booth
• 10 x 10 Space
• Pipe and Drape Side (3’ height)
• Pipe and Drape Back (8’ height)
• 8’ Table
• 2x Chairs
• (4x) Admission Tickets
(Each event will have its own different pipe and drape color)

Standard Artist Alley Table
• 8 x 8 Space
• 6’ Table
• 2x Chairs
• (2x) Admission Tickets

Standard Food Booth (Outside)
• 10 x 10 Space
• All Sides Enclosed Tent
• Mesh Wall Front
• 8’ Table
• 2x Chairs
• (8x) Admission Tickets
(Not applicable at Convention Center venues)

K-PLAY! FEST Vendor & Artist Alley Deliverables

Standard Vendor Booth
• 10 x 10 Space
• Pipe and Drape Side (3’ height)
• Pipe and Drape Back (8’ height)
• 8’ Table
• 2x Chairs
• (4x) Admission Tickets
(Each event will have its own different pipe and drape color)

Standard Artist Alley Table
• 6 x 7 Space
• Shared Backspace
• 6’ Table
• 2x Chairs
• (2x) Admission Tickets

Collectors Expo Vendor & Artist Alley Deliverables

Standard Table Space
• 6 x 6 Space
• 6’ Table
• 2x Chairs
• (2x) Admission Tickets

*Disclaimer: Each event brand will have its own color combination for pipe and drape decoration


Vendor Booth

Artist Alley/Collectors Expo

General Policies

  • Ticketing & Event Passes: E-Tickets will be issued 30 days prior to all event participants, each individual event participant must have his or her own e-ticket to access event grounds.

  • Physical Ticketing: The Los Angeles Event Tour is the only event that includes physical tickets for Asian American Expo and Outdoor Food Vendors.

  • Badges & Credentials: Vendor badges may be issued for identification purposes to access event grounds prior to event hours, but not for admission into the event. Badges if issued are non-transferable, they may not be sold or used as prizes or giveaways. Vendors must wear badges at all times during move in and event days. Separate event passes are required for all event participants to access event grounds.

  • Prohibited Subleasing: All event participants are strictly prohibited from sub-leasing any booth space, tables nor sponsorship placements.

  • Denial of Entry or Eviction: Event organizer reserves the right to refuse admission or evict an event participant without refund for behavior likely to cause damage, injury or nuisance, and to remove any persons for reasons of public safety, overcrowding or otherwise.

  • Presentation Quality Control: Event organizer reserves the right to approve the contents and character of all displays and reserves the right to prohibit or expel any merchandise or displays that do not keep with the character of the show. All booth signage and displays are subject to the approval of the event organizer. Any signage or displays deemed unfit may be removed by the event organizer in order for the event to maintain a professional appearance.

  • Event Participation: Event participant agrees to participate and be physically present for the duration of both event days, to arrive before event opening hours and to maintain his or her booth until the end of the event. No booth dismantlement allowed before the closing of the event.

  • Decoration Notes: Event participants must set up booth spaces in accordance to the approved floor plans by the Fire Marshall. This is very important so as to not block exit doors, fire lanes, signs and aisles. No booth displays may be higher than 8’ without prior approval by the event organizer. For ease of reference, the pipe and drape backwall is 8’ height. All additional decorative materials added to the booth (Walls, Banners, Fake Plants, Inflatables, etc) must be certified in the United States for fire retardancy. Proof of certification will be inspected by the fire marshal. If unable to provide such, decorative material will be removed.

  • Booth Content and Programming: More than 50% of the booth products, services or promotions must align with the theme of the participating event. For example all K-PLAY! FEST Vendors or Artist Alley products, services or promotions must feature at least 50% or more k-pop related goods. 

  • Booth Upkeep: Event participant is responsible to the event organizer and event for seeing that his or her booth is maintained in a clean and orderly state. Should goods be left, they will be disposed of by the event organizer who will have the right to charge for such disposal or clean up.

  • Booth Confines: Event participant may only solicit his or her own products and services including distributing flyers within and around contracted booth space. Event participants are prohibited from posting any marketing or promotional materials in any common areas such as event entrances, restrooms or doors.

  • Booth Activities: All merchandise or services sold at event participants booth or artist alley table is done strictly between vendors or artist alley participants and event attendees. Event organizer is not a party to or responsible in any way for any transactions made between said parties.

  • Non Organizer Branding Use: Unless explicitly approved through a separate written contract, Vendors and Artist Alley are prohibited from using Event Organizer logos, branding and brand partners as part of the Booths own banner display or branding. 

  • Non Organizer Endorsements: Unless explicitly approved by a separate written contract, Vendors and Artist Alley are prohibited from using promotion language endorsing their own Booth as the ‘official’ or ‘preferred’ product of the Event Organizer.

  • Local Tax Compliance: Event participant is solely responsible for the collection and payment of any local or state taxes based on the booth's sales activity.

  • Layout Adjustments: Event organizer reserves the right to change or substitute layout as required from Fire Marshall and City Planning.

  • Space Relocation: Event organizer reserves the right to assign or reassign space in its sole direction for the event, if the event organizer determines that in doing so is in the best interest of the event.

  • Post Event Damages: Event organizer reserves the right to charge event participants for any damages caused by participant to property and or venue during move-in, event days or move out.

  • Amplified Sound: Event participants are allowed to use audio systems or sound enhancing equipment as long as it does not cause a disturbance to neighboring artist alley or vendor spaces. Event participant understands and agrees to not exceed a maximum noise level of 60 dbs within its booth space. Event participants understand and agree that failure to comply, or failure to adhere to warnings from event organizer may result in immediate expulsion from the event.

  • Counterfeit Goods Prohibited: Bootleg merchandise, gray market goods and unlicensed products and or reproductions are not permitted for sale under any circumstances. If a booth or event participant is caught offering these products for sale, event participants and any persons associated with the participant will be removed from the event grounds without refund.

  • Power Generators Prohibited: No generator that supplies electrical power will be permitted at the event. If additional electricity or power is required, please contact the event organizer for the authorized event electrical provider.

  • Prohibited Substances: Smoking and vaping is allowed only at designated smoking areas. Possession of open can, bottle or other receptacle containing alcoholic beverages except in areas specifically designated for consumption of alcohol and in compliance with venues alcohol policies is not allowed.

  • Self Transportation and Setup: All event participants are responsible for the delivery and removal of their own goods. No unloading labor or support staff will be available to assist with transportation of goods. No forklifts, pallet jacks, jollies or any equipment will be available on site from the event organizer.

  • Immediate Load Out: All event participants are required to clear out all merchandise, display and goods immediately at the end of the second show day by 11 PM, no moving out is allowed on the next day. Charge of a moving fee, if any, is to be borne by the event participant.

  • Food Vendors Compliance: All event participants selling food or consumable products must comply with the local County Health Department Health Codes and be prepared for inspection prior to event start. Proper health application must be submitted to the event organizer 45 days before the event start date.

  • Private Gambling Prohibited: Event participants shall refrain from conducting or participating in games for money or other personal property, the operation of gambling devices, the conduct of a lottery or pool, or the selling or purchasing of lottery tickets at, on, in, or about the event grounds unless prior approval from event organizer.

  • Vehicle Towing: Vehicles improperly parked on venue grounds will be towed at owner’s expense without prior notice. If pre-paid parking passes are issued, they must be displayed on the front windshield. If parking passes are not visible or hidden or tampered or duplicated or transferred, the vehicle may be towed at owner’s expense without prior notice.

  • Keep all Valuables Safe: All event participants are solely responsible for the loss or damages of their own goods at event venues. 

  • Health Monitoring: Any event participants who are not feeling well or begin to experience symptoms at any time during the event should contact and follow the guidance of their physician. Even though proof of COVID vaccination is no longer required, nor are the use of masks regardless of vaccination status, please ensure you have read and are aware of the latest CDC guidelines.

  • Medical & Emergency Services: Event organizers will always staff trained medical personnel on-site during all event hours. In an emergency please contact the nearest information booth for help.

  • General Liability Insurance (Vendors and Sponsors): All event sponsors and major vendors agree to provide their own general liability insurance coverage for the event to insure against theft, fire, smoke, flood, or any other loss or casualty during the event days including move-in and move-out periods. This insurance coverage must also include the event organizer and venue as additional insured. Standard minimum policy limit of $1,000,000 USD per occurrence and $2,000,000 USD aggregate is a standard industry minimum requirement. Event organizers will not provide or maintain insurance coverage specific to event participants' booths or activation.

  • Photography & Videography: All event participants understand that they may be photographed or video recorded and agree to allow photo, video or film likeness to be used for any marketing or promotional purposes by the event organizer. 

  • Non Endorsement: Event organizer in no way endorses any vendors, artist alley or sponsorships merchandise, exhibits, views, beliefs or actions. All event participants are deemed to be their own business entity and in no way reflect the views, beliefs, intentions and or direction of the event organizer. 

  • Force Majeure: In the event of a natural disaster, act of insurrection, riot, war, accident, act of God or any other unforeseen circumstance and act beyond event organizer’s control that would prevent the event from being put up, any monies that were paid towards booth space, table or sponsorships are non-refundable.

  • Hold Harmless: All event participants agree to indemnify and hold event organizer, its offices, directors and staff harmless against any and all liability whatsoever arising from any claim made against event organizer or loss incurred by participant as a result of or in any way arising from, relating to, or connected with the obligations identified with our vendor terms and agreements, including loss or liability caused by active negligence, except loss or liability caused by sole negligence or willful misconduct. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Are the table covers or carpets included in my booth package?

    • No table covers or carpets will be provided.

  • Can I enter the event grounds after the stated move in hours?

    • No vendors are allowed on the show grounds after 8:00 pm Friday night.

  • How do I enter the show grounds if I need to unload goods?

    • Vehicles must enter through Gate 17 in order to access the buildings on the set up days. Once you have unloaded your merchandise, please move your vehicle to allow other vehicles to access. Accessing event grounds is only available on the Friday move in days.

  • Can I request help with the unloading of goods from my vehicle to my booth?

    • Vendors are responsible for the delivery and removal of their own goods. No forklifts, pallet jacks, dollies or any equipment will be available on site from the show organizer.

  • Will the show organizer help transport goods to the show grounds?

    • Please contact Dolphin Events for material handling services. For safety and security reasons, the event organizer does not provide mail or package receiving services.

  • Can I leave my valuable possessions at my booth overnight?

    • Overnight security will be provided, but it is not advisable to leave any valuable merchandise behind. Event organizers are NOT RESPONSIBLE for any lost or stolen items.

  • I need an additional table or chairs for my booth, who should I contact?

    • Direct your requests to the respective event info booth. Please do not remove chairs or tables from neighboring booths. Additional tables and chairs are available on a first come, first serve basis.

  • Can I resell or sublease my booth space?

    • Vendors are strictly prohibited from reselling or sub-leasing any booth or table space.

  • When I move out, when can I move my vehicle near the buildings?

    • Vehicles will not be allowed onto the show premises until the conclusion of the second show day (8 pm) once the general public has left.

  • Do I have to display my seller’s permit in a public place at all times?

    • As per government regulations, all vendors conducting selling operations are required to have a copy of their seller’s permits displayed in a public place at all times. During the event, tax personnel will go on their inspection rounds.

  • Can I use the aisles outside of my booth for displaying my goods?

    • No. According to the City of Los Angeles Fire Department regulations, no goods or merchandise of any sort are to be placed along the aisles at all times, as this may impede the Fire Department passage in case of emergencies.